NCARB uses PSI to securely deliver the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®). It is our goal to ensure all candidates can complete their examination without encountering technical difficulties. But if a software or hardware problem does occur at the test center, please follow these steps, which are also outlined in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines:

Technical Issues at the Test Center  

  1. Notifying the Proctor
    If you are experiencing a technical issue, immediately notify the proctor by raising your hand. All error messages on your screen should be left for the proctor’s review.
  2. Troubleshooting the Issue
    Allow the proctor and technical support team sufficient time to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. In the event your computer must be restarted, the exam delivery software has been designed to suspend testing time until the computer is operating again. Most candidates who experience an exam restart can complete their exam administration without further interruption.

    If the proctor and technical support team resolve the issue within 30 minutes, you are expected to complete your exam administration. If technical issues persist for more than 30 minutes, you will be given the choice of continuing to wait or rescheduling your appointment.
  3. Reporting the Technical Issue
    If you are unable to complete your examination due to technical issues, please file an incident report with the proctor and contact NCARB in writing. DO NOT wait until you receive your test results to contact NCARB. All concerns must be received within 15 days of your appointment date.

    Filing an incident report with the proctor does not satisfy the requirement of notifying NCARB directly—you must do both.  
  4. NCARB Investigation
    After receiving your communication regarding your exam technical issue, NCARB will investigate the technical issue, including reviewing any logs, documentation, or reports provided by PSI. NCARB will reach out to you directly following the investigation, which may take up to five business days.
  5. Resolution
    If it is determined that the technical issue was due to an exam software malfunction or other issues outside of your control, NCARB will provide you with a replacement exam seat and new exam eligibility.
  • If you viewed 75 percent or more of the items on your exam prior to the technical issue occurring, you will be subject to the 60-day retest policy, and your exam will count as a valid, scored exam within your NCARB Record.
  • If you viewed fewer than 75 percent of the items on your exam prior to the technical issue occurring, you will be provided immediate eligibility to reschedule your exam, you are exempt from the 60-day retest policy, and your exam score will be invalidated within your NCARB Record.

View PSI’s webpage for ARE candidates and NCARB’s ARE 5.0 Guidelines for more helpful information on how to prepare for your PSI exam appointment.