Under NCARB’s score validity policy, which was implemented on May 1, 2023, a passed exam division of the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) would remain valid throughout the delivery of the exam version under which it was taken, as well as the next exam version.


Read the ARE Guidelines

Understand all the policies you’ll need to follow in order to take the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®), as well as an overview of the exam’s six divisions and other exam candidate resources.

How long are ARE divisions valid?

Once you pass an ARE division, that division would:

  • Be valid throughout the delivery of the version of the exam under which they were taken (i.e., ARE 4.0), AND
  • Be used to establish appropriate credits under the next version of the exam (i.e., ARE 5.0)

Passed divisions will expire after two versions of the exam. For example: Passed ARE 4.0 divisions will remain valid throughout the delivery of ARE 5.0 and will be retired when NCARB stops delivering ARE 5.0.

If a new version of the ARE is developed (i.e., ARE 6.0), NCARB will provide at least 18 months’ notice prior to retiring any version of the exam.

Due to the nature of the score validity policy, which is version-bound, NCARB does not offer extensions.

Previous Exam Credits

ARE 4.0 divisions are used to establish credit toward the appropriate ARE 5.0 divisions. If you have reinstated ARE 4.0 divisions as a result of the score validity policy, you can use the ARE 5.0 Transition Calculator to better understand how divisions transferred from ARE 4.0 to ARE 5.0. 

Exam divisions taken in ARE 3.1 or previous versions of the exam will remain expired. Because the practice of architecture and the content covered by the exam does evolve over time, the score validity policy is necessary to ensure that candidates becoming licensed are competent in the current practice of architecture.

Rolling Clock Policy (Retired)

On April 30, 2023, NCARB retired the rolling clock policy, which placed a five-year expiration date on passed divisions of the ARE. Learn more about the rolling clock policy.

Some jurisdictions have a policy similar to the rolling clock written into their statutes and/or rules. If you are seeking licensure in a jurisdiction that has a rolling clock requirement, you will still be subject to your jurisdiction’s rolling clock. If you are considering switching jurisdictions, be sure to review your new jurisdiction’s requirements.

NCARB will continue supporting rolling clock extension requests for candidates who are seeking licensure in a jurisdiction that has a rolling clock requirement.

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