As you prepare to take the ARE, NCARB is here to help with study tools and resources to guide you through the process. The exam features six divisions, and each division includes multiple item types, as well as case studies.

New to the ARE? Make Sure You're Eligible
To begin testing for the ARE, you need to request exam eligibilities in your jurisdiction. Find out how to start testing.
ARE 5.0 Divisions
Each ARE 5.0 division covers a different aspect of current architectural practice. Explore each division to learn more about the content covered:
- Practice Management
- Project Management
- Programming & Analysis
- Project Planning & Design
- Project Development & Documentation
- Construction & Evaluation
NCARB offers a number of tools and resources you can use to prepare for the exam. Find a full list of our study resources, or check out some highlights below.
ARE 5.0 Practice Exam Dashboard and Demo Exam
NCARB has released free, full-length practice exams for each division of ARE 5.0. These practice exams are available for all licensure candidates with an active NCARB Record. ARE candidates can access the exams in your Practice Exam Dashboard, which is located on the "Exams" tab of your NCARB Record. For licensure candidates who are not currently taking the ARE, log in to your NCARB Record, navigate to the Overview tab, and select "Practice the ARE®."
You can take each practice exam in test mode, which mimics a real appointment, or practice mode, which provides the correct response and rationale for each item as you go. You'll receive a score report after each practice test, so you can compare results and see where you need to focus before taking the real exam.
Anyone with an NCARB Record can practice the exam's format, navigation, and tools with our free demo exam. The demo exam includes 75 questions across all six divisions of the exam.
Other Resources
- ARE 5.0 Guidelines. With the migration to PSI, the ARE Handbook has been merged with the ARE Guidelines. This document includes all policies and procedures for taking the ARE, as well as information about the content covered in each division of the exam.
- ARE 5.0 Community. Whether you have a test question, are looking for a study group, or need help from NCARB’s experts, the ARE 5.0 Community is the place to be.
- Test Run for Online-Proctored Exams. Schedule a free, 30-minute trial appointment with PSI to confirm your computer and testing space meet the requirements for online proctoring.
- ARE 5.0 Test Prep Video Series. NCARB's video prep series offers exclusive insight into each ARE 5.0 division with information on exam content, sample questions, and suggested references.
- ARE Update. Want to stay on top of the latest exam news? Subscribe to our ARE Updates for important reminders, study resources, and more.
- NCARB Blog. The NCARB Blog is full of helpful study tips and exam resources, plus inspirational success stories and advice from recently licensed architects.