Earning experience in all areas of the Architectural Experience Program® (AXP®) can present some challenges—especially if your employer doesn’t take on work across all project areas. To help address that difficulty, NCARB offers a variety of experience opportunities that qualify for AXP credit outside of typical architecture work.

Under the AXP Guidelines, to be eligible for AXP credit, your work must fit into one of two experience settings. These settings provide details about the type of organization you work for, the tasks you perform, and who verifies your experience.

Under experience setting O, you can gain experience through ten different opportunities. We previously detailed the first opportunity, “Other Work Experience Under Licensed Professionals,” in which you can earn up to 1,860 hours of AXP credit while working under the supervision of an individual who is licensed to practice landscape architecture, engineering, or as an architect outside the United States.

Design or Construction Related Employment
Now, let’s explore “Design or Construction Related Employment.” If you are not currently working for an architect or architecture firm, this category allows you to earn up to 320 hours working in design or construction-related employment. Only employment and experience that aligns with the AXP tasks can qualify for AXP hours.

Design or construction-related activities qualify under the direct supervision of a person experienced in the activity of:

  • Analysis of existing buildings
  • Planning
  • Programming
  • Design of interior space
  • Review of technical submissions
  • Management of building construction activities

For example, if you spent a summer in college working for a contractor creating shop drawings or at an interior design firm, you might be able to report that experience under “Design or Construction Related Employment.” And keep in mind you can report experience older than eight months and up to five years in the past for partial AXP credit!

Under setting O, there is no minimum number of hours required, although each opportunity has a maximum limit. No license is required for the AXP supervisor for experience gained in this opportunity.

Interested in learning more about setting O? More details are available in the AXP Guidelines and our blog!