After you take an Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) division, you have the option to view provisional feedback on your performance before exiting your exam.

Provisional feedback is an accurate predictor of whether or not you passed or failed the exam division, but it’s not an official score, and it’s based on unvalidated exam results—your exam results still have to be analyzed by NCARB using data forensics before your score report can be released.

You must follow the steps below to view provisional feedback before ending your exam and exiting PSI’s delivery software—if you don’t follow these steps, you won’t be able to view provisional feedback and must wait for your official score report to receive feedback on your exam performance. These steps apply to both online proctored exams and exams taken in a PSI test center.

How to View Provisional Feedback

1. When you have answered all questions within your exam, click the "Exam Summary" button and then the "End Exam" button.

Provisional feedback step 1.

2. Next, you'll see a pop-up message. Confirm that you are ready to submit your results for scoring by clicking the "Yes. End Exam and Submit." button. 

Provisional feedback step 2.

3. You must now navigate through ALL closing screens to view provisional feedback. Review the candidate agreement reminder screen and click the "End Exam" button.

Click end exam to view provisional feedback.

4. You will then see a screen asking if you would like to view provisional feedback on your performance. You must click on the "Yes, View Feedback" button. Your provisional feedback will not display if you fail to click this button or do not respond within the allotted two minutes.

You will be asked if you would like to view provisional feedback.

5. After clicking the "Yes, View Feedback" button, you will be presented with your provisional feedback.

Provisional feedback will provide a preliminary assessment of your results.

Your provisional feedback will ­­­not display if you fail to navigate through all the closing screens within the exam software or exit the secure browser application.

Receiving Your Score Report

After your exam administration, you’ll receive your official score report within 7-10 days of your test date. Between your exam administration and the delivery of your score report, NCARB will analyze your results using data forensics to detect exam performance abnormalities, anomalous behavior, and other information that might raise questions about the validity of your exam results.

Your score report will confirm whether you passed or failed your exam division. Find more tips on understanding the feedback provided on failing score reports.