To help you prepare to take the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®), we’ve refreshed our ARE 5.0 Test Prep video series with updated walk-throughs of each exam division. These free resources offer insight into each division’s content areas, objectives, suggested resources, and sample questions. Watch the whole series on our YouTube channel, or check out a specific division below!  

Watch the Series

If you’re already studying for the ARE and wondering if this update to our test prep videos means the exam’s content is changing, the answer is no! The exam’s content isn’t changing. Our refreshed videos reflect the current exam objectives as detailed in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines for testing with PSI.  


Construction & Evaluation 


Practice Management 


Project Development & Documentation 


Programming & Analysis 


Project Management 


Project Planning & Design 


Upcoming Exam Resources 

We know that accessing quality exam resources can be an expensive limitation on the path to licensure. To help all candidates succeed on the ARE, we’re developing a set of free practice exams for each ARE 5.0 division. Later this summer, they’ll be available through your NCARB Record for all candidates with active exam eligibilities. Stay tuned for more!