Where can I find details on each ARE 5.0 division's current number of items and division timing?
You can find the current number of items and timing per division in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines.
Where can I find ARE 5.0 study materials?
NCARB’s ARE 5.0 Guidelines includes a breakdown of each division, suggested study resources, and more. You can also find full-length practice exams available for free within the Exams tab of your NCARB Record. You can access real-time advice from NCARB’s experts on the ARE 5.0 Community, as well as exclusive prep videos on our YouTube channel.
When will I receive my score report?
Results for all ARE 5.0 divisions are typically processed within 7-10 calendar days of your test date. You’ll receive an email notification once your score has been processed and is available to view in your NCARB Record. Learn more about receiving your score.
When did online proctoring launch for the ARE?
NCARB launched the option to take the ARE via online proctoring on December 14, 2020.
When can I start earning AXP experience?
You can start earning AXP experience after you graduate from high school or the established equivalent.
What tools are available during the exam?
While testing, you will also have on-screen access to resources such as a calculator, digital whiteboard, necessary formulas, and appropriate structural tables. Learn more about ARE 5.0 reference materials in the Guidelines.
What should I do if the experience report my candidate submitted isn’t accurate?
If you do not agree with all the information your candidate has documented, you should return their report for edits. Be sure to review the necessary changes with your candidate. Once your candidate has made the changes, they can submit the report to you for approval. Learn more about reviewing experience reports.
What should I do if I experience technical difficulties while testing?
If you see an error message or experience a computer problem while you’re taking the exam, let the test center staff or online proctor know immediately. Do not clear the error message. If the technical difficulties cannot be resolved quickly, your exam will be rescheduled at no cost. Review the ARE 5.0® guidelines for more information.
What should I do if I encounter problems during my ARE test run appointment?
If you run into technical trouble during your test run, you can follow the troubleshooting steps outlined in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines or contact PSI’s Remote Proctoring Technical Support hotline at 1-855-560-3716.
What is the smallest denomination of hours I can enter in the online reporting system?
The smallest increment of time the system will accept is .25 hours, or 15 minutes.