Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Architecture Licensing

In 2020, NCARB and the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) launched a joint study to identify how minority professionals experience obstacles on the path to licensure. Since then, NCARB and NOMA have released four in-depth reports on findings from the study, which highlight areas where our organizations can provide additional support, conduct deeper research, and propose measurable solutions to address disparities. They have also released an action plan with next steps to address the disparities in the months and years ahead. 

Licensure Support Guides

For many individuals working to become architects, firm culture is inseparable from licensure progress. NCARB and NOMA’s Baseline on Belonging study highlighted disparities in firm support for candidates pursuing licensure, with women and people of color often reporting lower levels of firm support than their white, male peers. To help build a foundation for firm leadership and candidates, NCARB has developed two new resources based on our Baseline on Belonging research. These resources aim to promote equitable workplaces by ensuring that candidates know what licensure support they can advocate for, and that firms better understand what level of licensure support they should be offering—and how to share that information with their employees.

  • Candidate Guide: This resource is designed to help licensure candidates find employers that actively support their licensure goals. The guide provides valuable insights and tips for identifying firms that prioritize your professional development, offer study resources and financial support for the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®), and provide mentorship opportunities. Access the Candidate Guide.
  • Firm Guide: This resource offers best practices and actionable tips for maintaining a supportive and equitable work environment for licensure candidates. It covers strategies for providing financial support for licensure, creating candidate support networks, and ensuring equitable access to firm resources. Access the Firm Guide.

Baseline on Belonging Findings

Throughout the Baseline on Belonging study, NCARB and NOMA have seen three overarching themes in the findings:

First, the study’s findings highlight the impact of intersectionality: Individuals who identified as part of multiple underrepresented groups faced higher levels of disparity on the path to licensure. For example, women of color were more likely to report impediments at nearly every early career stage compared to their peers.

Second, disparities built upon each other throughout early career stages. Some of the gaps apparent in the data may seem small at first glance, but small disparities compounded throughout the study to create significant impediments, especially when individuals indicated they faced small disparities at nearly every stage of their careers.

And third, age has a significant impact—especially on experience and examination progress. While NCARB and NOMA did not initially plan to explore the impact of age on candidates’ licensure progress, the study clearly showed that candidates who were 40 or older were far less likely to receive firm support toward their licensure goals.

The findings are detailed in these reports: 

Next Steps

NCARB and NOMA have created an action plan, with solutions addressing the various impediments and disparities highlighted by the study. This includes actions like retiring the Architect Registration Examination’s® (ARE®) five-year rolling clock policy, which NCARB’s Board of Directors replaced with a new score validity policy in April 2023 following feedback from the Baseline on Belonging study and in-depth psychometric review. Many of the additional action items noted are already in progress, such as exploring more accessible pathways to licensure. NCARB and NOMA will continue providing updates on these items in the years ahead.

Media Inquiries

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